Your Donations Save Lives.  We appreciate and rely on your donations to support our mission of saving shelter pets.  Please see our donation guidelines below.

Donation Drop-Off
@972 W. 9th Street, Upland

Have donations? Please drop off household, garden, and small furniture items in good condition (no scratches, stains, damage, or missing pieces) at the rear of 972 W. 9th Street, Upland. 

Note: Due to space constraints, we are currently accepting two (2) 13-gallon bags of clothing per visit.  We cannot accept mattresses, couches, sofas, large furniture, oversized upholstered chairs, exercise equipment, bed frames, or large electronics such as used printers, televisions, or computers at this time.  Small furniture must be in good condition without any damage or missing pieces.

Donation Hours
Tuesday to Saturday

9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Note: Very rainy or hot days make affect donations. Please call (909) 920-6020 to make sure we are able to accept donations.

Donation Pick Up

Need a pick up?  If you have five (5) or more boxes of general household items (non-clothing) to donate or small furniture and cannot drop off your donation, you can request a pick up.  During the pick up, we can also take up to two (2) bags of clothing.


  • We are unable to pick up mattresses, couches, sofas, large furniture, oversized upholstered chairs, exercise equipment, or large electronics.
  • All furniture must be in good condition without any damage, missing pieces, or stains. Our driver will make the final determination on whether we can accept a piece of furniture based on its condition in person.
  • All furniture must be on the first floor at the time of pick up (we cannot move furniture downstairs).

Submit a Pick Up Request

Any questions?

Call (909) 522-6605 to leave a message.  Voicemails will be returned Wednesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Schedule a Pick Up

We offer local pick ups in Upland, Claremont, Ontario, Montclair, and Rancho Cucamonga.

Pick ups are scheduled Wednesdays through Saturdays between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on the next available date. 

To request a pick up, please fill out the form below.

If you have already submitted a request and have a question, please call (909) 522-6605 to speak with the pick up team. Voicemails will be returned Wednesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Submit a Pick Up Request

Follow Upland Animal Shelter


Contact Us

Friends of Upland Animal Shelter
1275 San Bernardino Road
Upland, CA 91786
Animal Shelter Phone Number: 1-909-931-4185

2nd Chance Thrift Shop
972 W. 9th Street
Upland, CA 91786
Thrift Shop Phone Number: 1-909-920-6020


General Telephone:


Non-Profit Tax Identification #46-2546783

Follow 2nd Chance Thrift Shop 



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